Thursday, 19 March 2015


VPN : 

VPN is Virtual Private Network .i.e.  use of Shared infrastructure resources to provide remote network users with secure access to their private network.

Types of VPN Models:

1).Overlay Model
2). Peer-to-Peer Model

Overlay Model:  In this type of model connections are set up and maintained by the Service Provider. Although, the provider has no knowledge of  and does not participate in the customer’s routing infrastructure.

Peer-to-Peer Model: In this type of model , Service  Provider directly participates in routing the customer’s infrastructure. Routes from multiple customers are not keep separate. This may require customers to look at their networks.

In Next we go  for MPLS VPN...... 

Websites for IP address & AS number lookup

Websites for  IP  address  & Autonomous System (AS )  number  lookup  :

There are 5 Regional Internet Registries (IRR’s)  that  assign  public network ranges and AS  numbers  to ISPs’  in their  respective continental regions.

The following sites  can be used to check  which  ISP’s host  the  IP address/ network range
 you would want to locate on the internet.

 They are  also be helpful  for AS number lookup of the ISP:                                  For  locating network addresses / ISP’s  in  NAM                                  For locating network addresses/ISP’s     in  Europe                               For locating network addresses/ISP’s  in  Asia – Pac                              For locating network addresses /ISP’s  in SAM / Carribean                             For locating network addresses / ISP’s in Africa

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

cisco Switch password recovery & troubleshooting procedure

To recover the Switch Password
Unplug the power cable.
Power the switch and bring it to the switch: prompt
For 2900XL, 3500XL, 2940, 2950, 2960, 2970, 3550, 3560, and 3750 series switches, do this:
Hold down the mode button located on the left side of the front panel, while you reconnect the power cable to the switch.
Various Series LED Behavior and Mode Button Release  Action
Catalyst Switch 2900XL, 3500XL
  • Release the Mode button when the LED above Port1x goes out.
Catalyst Switch 2940, 2950
  • Release the Mode button after approximately 5 seconds when the Status (STAT) LED goes out. When you release the Mode button, the SYST LED blinks amber.
Catalyst Switch 2960, 2970
  • Release the Mode button when the SYST LED blinks amber and then turns solid green. When you release the Mode button, the SYST LED blinks green.
Catalyst Switch 3560, 3750
  • Release the Mode button after approximately 15 seconds when the SYST LED turns solid green. When you release the Issue the flash_init command.
  • switch: flash_init
  • Issue the load_helper command
  • switch: load_helper
  • Issue the dir flash: command.
  • switch: dir flash:
  • Type rename flash:config.text flash:config.old to rename the configuration file.
  • switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.old
  • Issue the boot command to boot the system.
  • switch: boot
  • Mode button, the SYST LED blinks green
  • Enter "n" at the prompt to abort the initial configuration dialog.
  • Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n
  • At the switch prompt, type en to enter enable mode.
  • Switch>en
  • Type rename flash:config.old flash:config.text to rename the configuration file with its original name.
  • Switch#rename flash:config.old flash:config.text
  • Copy the configuration file into memory.
  • Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config
  • Sw1#

  • Overwrite the current passwords that you do not know. Choose a strong password with at least one capital letter, one number, and one special character.
Note: Overwrite the passwords which are necessary. You need not overwrite all of the mentioned passwords.
Sw# config  t
Sw(config)#enable secret <new_secret_password>
To overwrite existing enable password
Sw(config)#enable password  <new_secret_password>
Sw(config)#line vty 0 15
Sw(config-line)#password <new_vty_password>
To overwrite existing vty password
Sw(config)#line vty 0 4
Sw(config-line)#password <new_vty_password>
 To overwrite existing console password
Sw(config-line)#line con 0
Sw(config-line)#password <new_console_password>
  • Write the running configuration to the configuration file with the write memory command.

Sw#write memory

cisco router Password Recovery troubleshooting Procedure

Following Procedure may be helpful to recover password in cisco router troubleshooting :

   If you don't have access to the router (because of a lost login or tacacs password), you can safely        consider that your configuration register is set to 0x2102
  Press Break on the terminal keyboard within 60 seconds of the power-up to put the router into           ROMMON
  Type confreg 0x2142 at the rommon 1> prompt to boot from Flash without loading the                configuration
    rommon 1 > confreg 0x2142
          Type reset at the rommon 2> prompt. rommon 2 > reset
          Type enable at the Router> prompt. Router>enable
Important: Type configure memory or copy startup-config running-config to copy the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) into memory
                Router#copy startup-config running-config
Type configure terminal and make the changes Router#configure terminal
  • Type enable secret <password> to change the enable secret password Router(config)#enable secret Connect
  • Issue the no shutdown command on every interface that is used. If you issue a show ip interface brief command,
                Router#show ip interface brief
  • Every interface that you want to use should be "up up”
  • Router# write memory
  • Verify the registry value and get it changed with Configuration register is 0x2102
  • Type config-register 0x2102 Router# configure terminal Router(config)#config-register 0x2102
  •  Router#show version
  •  Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C1800 Software
  •  Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)
Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)

IP Addressing & IP Subnetting

IP Address as a  32-Bit Binary Number

Binary & Decimal Conversion

IP Address Classes 

IP addresses as Decimal Numbers

Hosts for Classes of IP Addresses 

Class A (24 bits for hosts) 224 - 2* = 16,777,214 maximum hosts
Class B (16 bits for hosts) 216 - 2* = 65,534 maximum hosts
Class C (8 bits for hosts) 28 - 2* = 254 maximum hosts
* Subtracting the network and broadcast reserved address

Network IDs & Broadcast Addresses

An IP address such as that has all binary 1's in the host bit position is reserved for the broadcast address

cisco 7600 Series Router Architecture overview

    cisco 7600 Series Router Architecture overview

    •High performance, packet forwarding up to 400 Mbps
•Models like 7603,7604,7606,7609,7613
Modular processor engines (SUP) latest is SUP-720•Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet,STM-1,STM-4
•A choice of form factors purpose-built for high availability
      •Cisco I-Flex design: Shared port adapters (SPAs) that controls voice, video, and data experiences
                                                      •High Density Port adaptors

Purpose of RouterGrid

Purpose of RouterGrid

Ø  To transfer the best of knowledge  to its users a Basis Networking to Advanced level

Ø  To help its user to achieve their goals

Ø  To provide tutorials to its users  training on Cisco certifications CCNA, CCNP, CCNP SP, CCIE

Ø  To provide its users the networking tools information & the perfect way to use them efficiently

Ø   To discuss  the Routing Protocols RIP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP MPLS VPN

Router Boot Process

The Router Boot Process :

Whenever Router Boots , it takes the following steps :

1. The router is powered on.
2. The bootstrap program (Rommon) is loaded from ROM.
3. The bootstrap runs POST.
4. The bootstrap attempts to load the IOS from Flash. In this Step Following sub steps occurs :
i). If the IOS is not found in Flash, the bootstrap loads into RAM the basic IOS stored in ROM.
ii). If the IOS is found in Flash, it is loaded into RAM.
 5. The IOS attempts to load the startup-config file from NVRAM . In this Step Following sub steps occurs
i). If the startup-config is not found in NVRAM, the IOS attempts to load a configuration file from   TFTP.
ii). If no TFTP server responds, the router enters Initial Configuration Mode.
iii). If the startup-config is found in NVRAM, it is loaded into RAM.
 6. The startup-config becomes the running-config in RAM.

Now the Router is ready for  Network operations.